Monday, December 1, 2014

Announcement for fifth through eighth grade academically gifted students

After consultation with the director of special populations and the principal for fifth through eighth grade students, we have decided to discontinue report card grades for the academically gifted class. Rest assured, students will still receive quarterly, narrative progress reports based on their IEPs. We made this decision for several reasons. First, students in grades kindergarten through fourth do not receive grades, and we wish to remain consistent across the program. Second, we hope to foster intrinsic, rather than extrinsic, motivation, and taking away grades will encourage students to take more risks and pursue research and study important to them. In addition, students are creating a wide range of different products on different timetables, and requiring students to bring study to a close based on a grade deadline could be detrimental to their work. Finally, in grades sixth through eighth, which only meet once a week, grades were more punitive than informative for students with other obligations, such as band and athletics. We wish to create well-rounded, life-long learners, and that means creating a classroom environment in which students feel safe and happy. Removing grades will help to foster that environment.

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